We are glad to be open as usual and working as normal as possible, with safety precautions still in place inside the workshop.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any enquiries.
We are Only accepting visitors if you have called in advance to make an appointment and you have ensured this visit is absolutely necessary.
If you have arranged a visit please adhere to the onsite health and safety instructions
All government safety guidelines have been put into place and are in practice daily.
We are a precision engineering company situated on the East Coast of England, in the old fishing town of Great Yarmouth.
We are proud to have gained the trust and loyalty of many customers over the years and this is down to our precision and quality of work.
Using quality materials and the latest technology our highly knowledgable and skilled team of manufacturers are driven by dedicated directors to manufacture a wide range of components from the simplest of products to the most complex, working within close tolerances as necessary.
CNC Milling
CNC Turning
Sliding Head
Quality Control
We'd love to hear from you

Telephone: 01493 658457